Nikolai Weibull software

Nikolai Weibull software and script


ned 0.2.0

ned script ned script is a text editor, based on principles from all the major ones of today, such as Emacs, Vim, Sam, and Wily
Price: $GPL, Rating: 9, Downloads: 529 Download
RDSL script

RDSL script

RDSL RDSL - Ruby Data Structure Library is a comprehensive library of abstract data structures (ADT's) for Ruby.
Price: $LGPL, Rating: 8, Downloads: 164 Download
character-encodings script

character-encodings script 0.2.0

character-encodings character-encodings aims to provide a stepping stone to the string handling of Rite.
Price: $Other Free / Open So, Rating: 7, Downloads: 1021 Download