Stephen Faul software

Stephen Faul software and script

Construct Delay Vector script

Construct Delay Vector script

Construct Delay Vector Construct Delay Vector returns the delay vector given data, embedding dimension and time delay.
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 8, Downloads: 1003 Download
Binary Conversion Methods

Binary Conversion Methods

Binary Conversion Methods Binary Conversion Methods - Various methods to convert a signal to a binary stream.
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 7, Downloads: 471 Download
Calculate number of windows of data script

Calculate number of windows of data script

Calculate number of windows of data Calculate number of windows of data calculates number of windows a section of data will produce for a certain window length.
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 7, Downloads: 260 Download
Kolmogorov Complexity script

Kolmogorov Complexity script

Kolmogorov Complexity Kolmogorov Complexity - Estimate of the Kolmogorov complexity of a finite time series.
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 7, Downloads: 385 Download