agus hariyanto software

agus hariyanto software and script

VSFlexGrid script

VSFlexGrid script

VSFlexGrid VSFlexGrid - Compose and output an HTML table
Price: $GPL, Rating: 9, Downloads: 285 Download
Simple SQL Transact script

Simple SQL Transact script

Simple SQL Transact Simple SQL Transact is a simple wrapper to access and manipulate MySQL database table records using SQL.
Price: $GPL, Rating: 9, Downloads: 204 Download
Encrypt MD5 64

Encrypt MD5 64

Encrypt MD5 64 Encrypt MD5 64 - Encrypt and decrypt data using MD5 digest of a key
Price: $GPL, Rating: 10, Downloads: 807 Download
VSFlexGrid XP

VSFlexGrid XP

VSFlexGrid XP VSFlexGrid XP is meant to compose and output the contents of an HTML table similarly to the VSFlexGrid component for Visual Basic.
Price: $GPL, Rating: 8, Downloads: 360 Download