garrydolley software

garrydolley software and script

Too small for function, too big to be un-DRY script

Too small for function, too big to be un-DRY script

Too small for function, too big to be un-DRY Too small for function, too big to be un-DRY - here's a neat trick to keep it DRY
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 6, Downloads: 406 Download
Daemonize a Ruby process

Daemonize a Ruby process

Daemonize a Ruby process Daemonize a Ruby process - I needed a small bit of Ruby code to run continuously in the background
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 10, Downloads: 245 Download
Temporary execution context with included modules script

Temporary execution context with included modules script

Temporary execution context with included modules Temporary execution context with included modules - I needed to extend
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 9, Downloads: 279 Download