hmans software

hmans software and script

Validate minimum age using a birthday value script

Validate minimum age using a birthday value script

Validate minimum age using a birthday value Validate minimum age using a birthday value - how to validate minimum age using a birthday value in ruby
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 7, Downloads: 439 Download
Sanitize (HTML-based) user input script

Sanitize (HTML-based) user input script

Sanitize (HTML-based) user input Sanitize (HTML-based) user input will strip all HTML tags from user input you don't want and also auto-close tags that were accidentally left open
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 10, Downloads: 255 Download
Escape single quotes in Ruby strings script

Escape single quotes in Ruby strings script

Escape single quotes in Ruby strings Escape single quotes in Ruby strings - Useful if you ever get the idea of shoving Ruby strings into JavaScript code.
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 10, Downloads: 241 Download