seanmceligot software

seanmceligot software and script

change windows desktop background color script

change windows desktop background color script

change windows desktop background color change windows desktop background color - changewindows desktop background color every 30 seconds
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 8, Downloads: 1059 Download
tar2zip.rb script

tar2zip.rb script

tar2zip.rb tar2zip.rb converts the given tarfile to a zipfile.
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 7, Downloads: 742 Download
cvs printModified, removeUnmodified, chroot

cvs printModified, removeUnmodified, chroot

cvs printModified, removeUnmodified, chroot cvs printModified, removeUnmodified, chroot perfoms three utilities on CVS working directories.
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 6, Downloads: 389 Download
edit compressed/encrypted files script

edit compressed/encrypted files script

edit compressed/encrypted files edit compressed/encrypted files will allow you to edit .gz, .bz2, .gpg files with vi or whatever the EDITOR environment variable points to.
Price: $Freeware, Rating: 7, Downloads: 355 Download